Asparagus croissant recipe 4463 ce45a381-b0eb-4748-b315-cfac327cc67c Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 11/28/2019 10:34:48 a.m. 0 0 30 8 Entrées Weekday recipes Appetizers Asparagus
Asparagus croissant

Asparagus croissant

  • 235 ml (235 gr) of Pillsbury frozen croissant
  • 285 ml (1 can) of drained asparagus
  • 190 ml (3/4 cup) of grated Mozzarella cheese
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
Side-by-side mode
  • Preheat oven at 350 °F (180 °C).
  • Undo croissant dough on an oven safe plate. Garnish with drained asparagus. It's imporant to well drain asparagus if you don't want your croissant to be soggy. Spread with cheese, up to taste. Salt and pepper.
  • Close the dough to form a croissant. Be sure that the dough is well closed or cheese will flow out. Cook until croissant browns, so about tens of minutes.
Chef’s note

Note : Serve hot. These asparagus croissant melt in your mouth.

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Our asparagus are on special!

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Asparagus croissant

  • 235 ml (235 gr) of Pillsbury frozen croissant
  • 285 ml (1 can) of drained asparagus
  • 190 ml (3/4 cup) of grated Mozzarella cheese
  • Salt and pepper up to taste
Side-by-side mode
  • Preheat oven at 350 °F (180 °C).
  • Undo croissant dough on an oven safe plate. Garnish with drained asparagus. It's imporant to well drain asparagus if you don't want your croissant to be soggy. Spread with cheese, up to taste. Salt and pepper.
  • Close the dough to form a croissant. Be sure that the dough is well closed or cheese will flow out. Cook until croissant browns, so about tens of minutes.
Chef’s note

Note : Serve hot. These asparagus croissant melt in your mouth.

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