Kitchen gadgets, there enough of it : banana knife, peeler, egg yolk separator, and more! Its sometimes usefull, but their price is( most of the time) outrageous.
Its why Crazy Leek's team decided to show you 7 tips to resolve some frequent problems, without paying a penny... and will also save you times!
There's lots of tips to hull strawberries, but lets bet that you already have the tools you need : a straw! Put a rigid straw at the top of the strawberry and push on the side of leafs. Fast and affordable, you'll save more parts of the fruits.
If you often do many things at the same time (hello parents job), you have other things to do than watch your spaghetti cook. By putting a wood spatula at horizontal on your uncovered casserole, water won't overflow (don't ask yourself why).
Potatoes are maybe affordable, but cost usualy in times of preparation! Exept maybe with this simple tips :
But, be aware that peels contain lots of vitamins and minerals.. try out our mashed potatoes with leeks or leeks butter potatoes to enjoy at 100% the good nutrients of peels.
Eyes that sting, burns, or, we don't talk here about the flu, but more about cutting onions! To avoid this unpleasantness, put onions in the fridge for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting it, or then wear hermetical glasses.
If not, there's always an option to replace onions by leeks : it has similar taste but don't burn eyes when cutting. Or even better, Les Culture de Chez Nous offers washed and sliced leeks to ease your life!
Here's a tool that you may not have think of to save a maximum of time for preparation : kitchen cissors. Its perfect to cut seasonings, beans and asparagus and even pizza.
To make an homemade guacamole or delicious bananas and almond muffins, we need mature fruits! To faster the process, slip it alltogether in a brown bag. Banana and avocado haves the feature to release lots of ethylene, which mature faster when they're near each other.
If you want to slow down the curing, then separate it.
So, this kitchen tips is a bit cheating since its as well a gardening tips : vegetables cooking water is a great fertilizer for your plants. If you have a garden on your balcony or roof, you can enjoy it by giving somes to your plants and also gives a good dose of nutrients!
Thats it, you are now ready to impress your step-mother with your cooking tips! Good preparation!