Vegetarians omelettes recipe 4791 53667dd4-36ca-4300-bf50-df06eaeed0cd /media/lsyamct3/omelettes-vegetariennes-1200-x-1200.jpg Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks 3/25/2019 8:14:10 a.m. 0 0 21 4 Brunchs et déjeuners Serge’s favorites Omelettes and quiches Leeks
Vegetarians omelettes

Vegetarians omelettes

  • 8 eggs
  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of broccoli cut into small bouquets
  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) of milk
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of mushrooms into quarters
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of Feta cheese
Side-by-side mode
  • In a bowl, whisk eggs with milk. Set aside.
  • In a pan heat olive oil at medium heat. Cook leeks, broccoli an mushrooms for 3 to 5 minutes while stirring. Set aside in a plate.
  • In the same pa, heat olive oil left at medium-low heat. Pour a quarter of eggs mixture and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until eggs are almost completely cooked. Add a quarter of the vegetables and feta garnishing on half the omelette then fold. Repeat the sme for three more omelettes.

Vegetarians omelettes

  • 8 eggs
  • 1/2 package of 250 g (2 cups) of Les Cultures de chez nous sliced leeks
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of broccoli cut into small bouquets
  • 80 ml (1/3 cup) of milk
  • 250 ml (1 cup) of mushrooms into quarters
  • 125 ml (1/2 cup) of Feta cheese
Side-by-side mode
  • In a bowl, whisk eggs with milk. Set aside.
  • In a pan heat olive oil at medium heat. Cook leeks, broccoli an mushrooms for 3 to 5 minutes while stirring. Set aside in a plate.
  • In the same pa, heat olive oil left at medium-low heat. Pour a quarter of eggs mixture and cook for 3 to 5 minutes, until eggs are almost completely cooked. Add a quarter of the vegetables and feta garnishing on half the omelette then fold. Repeat the sme for three more omelettes.

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