How does asparagus grows at Cultures de chez nous 5083 9e9462e2-1d6b-46f5-be38-67cb5cd08a8d article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/p4lnolff/comment_poussent_les.jpg Découvertes 5/7/2019 8:59:03 a.m. Spring

At Crazy Leek, we like to share our passion for farming! Since you know all our secrets for growing perfect leeks, we thought that you'll probably like to know everything about it's cousin : the asparagus from Cultures de chez nous đŸ˜‰

Sow asparagus roots in the ground

Like all vegetables, it starts with a seed into the ground. One of asparagus takes for about 1 year to develop roots which we also call crowns. After 1 year, roots are dug out and then sown deeper in the ground. But here, we do it a bit differently, starting with roots ready to be sown and set in a sandy and well drained ground.

Un agriculteur plante des racines (griffes) d’asperges dans les champs

Wait 2 years for the plant to grow

Once the root set in the ground for good, we wait 2 years before harvesting asparagus of a satisfying size for the first time. Over those 2 years, the plant grows and gain maturity. After 2 years, we may harvest and the period for harvesting is spread depending on how old the plants are :

Plant years

Time of harvesting

2 years

About 10 days

4 years

20 to 25 days

5 years

About 35 days

After 5 years, plants reaches it's full growth. One asparagus cultivation may last up to 20 years.

Asperges en attente d’ĂȘtre rĂ©coltĂ©es dans les champs des Cultures de chez nous

We fianlly harvest asparagus!

Harvesting starts around the 10th of May and finishes around the end of june based on the temperature. Here, we harvest while walking in the fields or by driving a machine which is controlled by our feet. We slice asparagus at its base near the ground with a knife. When its hot outside, we may harvest asparagus 2 times a day since it may grow of 10 cm more in only one day!

Un agriculteur récolte des asperges dans les champs des Cultures de chez nous

After harvesting, asparagus plants grows a beautiful leafing which is often use for landscaping.

Asperges qui ont développé un feuillage magnifique aprÚs la récolte du légume

Over 300 asparagus species divided in 3 groups

Even if there's over 300 asparagus species, there's only a twentieth which are comestible and which we may divide in 3 groups :

  • White which is of this color since it's always covered to avoid any contact with the light. Fine and light taste.
  • Violet which are white asparagus exposed to light just a bit before harvesting. Fruity taste.
  • Greens which are harvested when grown up about 15 cm. A more sweety and tasty taste compared to the other 2 groups.

In Québec, we're lucky to have up to 2 to 3 different kind of green asparagus.


Few interesting facts about asparagus

We're the biggest provider of asparagus of QuĂ©bec. On our land, we dedicate 22 acres for asparagus. It's about 15 football fields! Also, we pack and supply the market harvesting of about a douzens of asparagus producers here in Centre-du-QuĂ©bec and the Mauricie. If we combine all those harvesting, we pack 550 000 pounds of asparagus each year!

Asparagus nutritious facts

Just like leek, asparagus is a real winner with vitamin! It's a great sources of :

  • Minerals (potassium, copper, calcium, iron, phosphore, etc.)
  • Foods fibers
  • A Vitamin
  • B1, B2, B6 and B9 Vitamin
  • C Vitamin

Asperges remplies de vitamines, de fibres alimentaires et de minéraux dans un bac de récolte

Asparagus preservation

Aspragus are mostly fragil. Are preserved mostly 1 week in the refrigerator within a moist cloth or in a perforated plastic bag. Blanch asparagus to keep in the freezer up to 5 months.

Asperges blanchies dans un plat d’eau froide avec glaçons pour les conserver au congĂ©lateur

Asparagus is a very polyvalent vegetable which is useful for all types of recipes. Mashed, in a sauce, over a pizza, in a quiche, with pastas, a salad or over the barbecue, it's not lacking in choices of asparagus recipes !