9 Italian recipes to eat just like in Italy 5080 d1c6b8d7-6ee4-4c7d-a5e8-86f61dba721c article Crazy Leeks Crazy Leeks /media/clepr2aa/9_recettes_italienne.jpg Découvertes 1/28/2019 11:57:48 a.m. Winter

From the appetizer to the dessert, we decided to make you travel to Italy! Here's 9 inspiring Italian recipes which will make you want to sing O sole mio!

Aperol Spritz for the aperitif

Before eating like in Italy, drink like Italy with a famous local aperitif! The Aperol Spritz is the famous cocktail in Venise. Right with the first sip, you'll feel as if you were sitting under the sunlight near the Grand Canal.

Cocktail Aperol Spritz en Italie aux abords du Grand Canal à Venise

Caprese salad

Here's a simple but delicious recipe! With a bread, buttered with olive oil, garlic and a bit of salt, it's simply divine. And for a Crazy Leek touch, add cooked asparagus sliced into hafls to this salad!

Salade caprese italienne avec fromage mozzarella, tomates, basilic, sel, poivre et huile d’olive

Sausages and leeks arancinis

Here's a perfect appetizer to share and eat with your hands. And you surely know how we are by now; us, we add leeks to arancinis 😉

Arancinis à la saucisse et aux poireaux

Olives and rosemary focaccia

Do you smell the marvelous scent of olives and rosemary bread right off the oven? Yes, it,s focaccia! Still hot, add a bit of olive oil and a good pinch of large salt over the dough. You won't be able to stick to only one piece!

Pain focaccia italien avec olives, romarin, huile d’olive, tomates, sel et poivre

Pasta with bolognese sauce (ragù)

Bolognese sauce of ragù bolognese in Italian, its the most classical sauce of all classics. And just like in Quebec, each person owns its own secret recipe. No matter what the version is, it's impossible to resist no matter what pasta is used. Even better with grated parmesan all over 🧀

Tagliatelle maison avec sauce ragù italienne et fromage parmesan râpé

Pappardelle alla papalina

Miam, another plate of pastas garnished with grated parmesant! The prosciutto sliced into strips bring a good salty touch and goes well with the cream and butter. Whisked eggs adds an interesting texture and a small does of proteins. Small green peas add a bit of colors and a sweet taste. In brief, this pasta plates is perfect!

Pappardelle alla papalina avec prosciutto, crème, beurre et petits pois verts

Cannolis siciliens

Those small tubes of fried dough are stuffed with a delicious garnishing of sweet ricotta, vanilla and chocolate. a simple and perfect garnishing!

Dessert de cannolis italiens avec garniture de ricotta et morceaux de chocolat


You like coffee? You'll love this dessert made of cream, Mascarpone cheese and biscuits soaked with coffee. Based on the legend, each bites gives strengh to your mind. We don't know if it's real, but we know that each bite gives happiness to our mouth!

Dessert Tiramisu italien avec formage Mascarpone, biscuits au café et crème

Salted caramel panna cotta

You'll fall for this typically Italian dessert with its soft texture and its salted caramel coulis. Believe us, 4 hours to wait in the fridge before enjoying it is a real torture when you know how it taste, but it's worth the wait!

Recette italienne de panna cotta au caramel salé avec des framboises et des bleuets

This 6trip to Italy was of your taste? As for us, we loved it and would be pleased to eat Italian everyday 😊 But we have to say that we also have great recipes here in Quebec. What a coincidence, since we have tons of recipes for you to try. Buon appetito!