Under the charming Holiday's scenery, with family and friends, we all have the motivation to maintain this year's resolution : work less, save more money and, first of all, take care of your health, and we're sure to get it!
But once our daily routine back to normal, we need a little more help to keep on maintaining our healthy goals. Simple recipes and quick are our allies : we want to eat healthily, but without making everything complicated.
Everyone knows, vegetables are synonyms of health. But to eat more without growing tired of it (and without thinking it out), here's few original recipes to change your vegetables into new kind of foods.
Spaghetti squash is a wonderful substitute for pastas, but without all the calories and carbohydrates from a normal spaghetti.
Gratin de courge spaghetti aux poireaux
Cauliflower is a great healthy substitute for smash potatoes. You won't feel like you're eating any normal vegetables (psst... and the kids either!).
If you,re looking for a quick proteins sources to prepare, egg is the right choice. It may be eaten at each meal and can be change into many forms.
Forget about the crust for a less fat quiche and way more sustaining!
Quiche aux poireaux et pommes, version santé
Great substitute for sugar, maple syrup mixed with egg whites can create amazing things! Those delights will satisfy eyes and tastebuds (and your guest will find it so cute!).
Maple syrup meringue
Allow yourself to eat sweets from time to time : health, is also enjoying life and pleasure!